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PCR Solutions

The automation of PCR setup increases throughput and reproducibility while greatly reducing hands-on time. Our portfolio of liquid handlers enables the rapid and precise setup of endpoint, real-time, RT, and multiplex PCR experiments. With platform sizes ranging from benchtop to large integrated workstations, any of your throughput needs can be addressed.

We offer solutions for any of your PCR automation needs from simple PCR setup, to PCR setup with an integrated thermocycler, to fully automated solutions offering hands-free sample transfer, DNA and RNA isolation, and optional normalization.

  • Standardized PCR protocols improve reproducibility
  • Increased throughput and reduced hands-on time increases productivity
  • Convenient, easy-to-use software
  • Full traceability of reagents, samples, volumes and pipetting steps
On-deck thermocycler integration

A dedicated on-deck thermocycler can be integrated into the automated liquid handler workstation for easy hands-free operation to suit your PCR automation needs.

The Sciclone® G3 NGSx iQ™ workstation is designed for full automation of PCR preparation and walk-away NGS library preparation.

Complete automation of nucleic acid isolation and PCR setup

The chemagic™ Prime™ instrument is a fully automated solution offering hands-free sample transfer, DNA and RNA isolation, optional normalization, and PCR setup for research applications. This validated, single supplier solution offers high quality DNA and RNA which can be extracted from a variety of matrices.

For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

PCR Solutions

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